4 Quotes & Sayings By Nicole Edwards

Nicole Edwards is the author of three bestselling novels. She has four children, one grandson, and a house filled with dogs. She enjoys reading, writing, and traveling with her family. Nicole lives in Arizona with her husband, two sons, two dogs, two cats, and over 100 books.

V’s reference to his age, specifically the difference between them, only pissed Zane off more. He hated that she used that as an excuse. She’d tried it one other time, and if he remembered correctly, she’d been sprawled out beneath him in ten seconds flat, begging him to let her come. Nicole Edwards
Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. Nicole Edwards
Then what’s the problem?” He was getting irritated now. “Are you scared, V? Scared that fucking me might turn into something more?” Taunting her, he continued, “Scared that I might just be able to get past that impenetrable outer shell? Nicole Edwards